segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010


"Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles are ancient creatures. Some scientists say they are over 110 million years old, while others claim their lineage goes back 140 million years. They were here before the dinosaurs roamed the planet; and yet today, all species are on the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Red List meaning they are facing a high risk of global extinction. The United States Endangered Species Act (ESA) also places sea turtles species as endangered. In addition and unfortunately, scientists believe that leatherback sea turtles could be facing extinction in as little as ten years. Save the Turtles, Inc, stands humbled by these gentle creatures and works towards their survival.

About Sea Turtles

Air breathing reptiles, but can spend hours submerged in the ocean.
Adult females must return to land in order to lay their eggs. Many species return to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs.
Are found in oceans all over the world, except the Arctic Ocean
May migrate hundreds or thousands of miles. It is believed that they use the earth’s magnetic forces to navigate throughout the oceans.
Most prefer open water, but they are also encountered in coastal waters near reefs and estuaries.
Are sensitive to smells and sound. They hear through eardrums below their skin.
The adult green turtles are unique among sea turtles in that they are herbivorous, feeding primarily on seagrasses and algae. Most sea turtles are mainly carnivores and feed on jellyfish, tunicates (ascidians, sea squirts), sponges (one of a few animals that eat them), soft corals, crabs, squids and fishes.
All 7 species of marine turtles are listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)."

Foto: I love turtles

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